We're slowly beginning to feel out life at home with a baby. Brian has gone back to work and Luna and I have been figuring out what type of routine our days may take. We have had several visits from
Oma to help with laundry, dishes, errands and the watching Luna while I take cat-naps throughout the day. I think we've taken somewhere in the neighborhood of a gazillion pictures so far of Luna (that is a scientific estimate), so please continue to check back often for updates.
Reading "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" with Daddy
Luna doesn't like grading papers either!
Hanging out with Grammy Rex Ann
Just chillin' with Dad

I can't get enough of all the lovely Luna photos. Looks like you're all doing great! I'm so, so glad you decided to do a blog. Much love to you all!
Thanks for putting together the Blog. It keeps those of us, not as close, up to date. And the pictures are wonderful. We cannot wait to see the three of you in person!
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