Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day

Memorial Day Weekend we headed down to Anacortes for a "stay-cation" at my parents house while they were out of town (so nice of them to let us stay!).  We spent the weekend relaxing, hanging out on the beach and going for a ferry boat ride.  The weather was great, making us so excited for summer!
Luna searching for rocks to throw at Washington Park

Playground mishap

Gracie is all smiles these days

In an attempt to resist napping, Luna fell asleep in the chair instead

So excited to be on the ferry!

Oh so windy!

Getting ready to disembark

The girls got into bed with us one morning.  We had a blast taking pictures and being silly:)

Luna is a tough kid and tends to get lots of cuts, scrapes & bruises.  Brian walked in on her one afternoon taking care of some of her "ouchies".

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Luna's New Hobby

Gracie gave Luna a new camera at the hospital.  She has been busy clicking away ever since.  Below is a video with most of her early shots.  I apologize in advance for the blurriness of some of the photos, but the blur emphasizes Luna's constant motion.  Note the point of view of many of the shots; pretty fun to see the world from her perspective and height!  Enjoy:)

The photographer

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Playin' at the Park

Luna, Gracie & I headed to the park last Friday morning after dropping Brian off at work.  It was a gorgeous morning and we had the playground all to ourselves.  Not a major event, but it was great spending time with my girls outside.  Needless to day Luna had a grand time and was very "stylin' profilin'" with her headband and sunglasses.

We're going to the playground!

Riding the airplane

Thumb's up, Mom!

Luna & her motorcycle

"Sister" joined us on our morning outing & watched the fun from the sidelines

When Luna wanted a break from the playground, she decided to play with rocks

Friday, May 20, 2011

Spring has arrived!

Spring finally showed up this week with temperature's creeping up to almost 70F!  Awesome.  Luna celebrated by putting on her birthday suit and running through the sprinkler.  Brian and I were laughing so hard watching her go through the water again and again.  I thought we would be out there all night!

Cleaning off her backside

Action shot!

Gracie slept through mot of the fun

Getting dried off

Sprinkler jumping is so exhausting!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mommy's Best Medicine

I ended up in the hospital Tuesday night with severe abdominal pains and found out I had to have my gallbladder removed (turns out pregnancy hormones can cause gall stones).  After two nights in the hospital and away from my girls I was able to come home.  I've been a little sore, but otherwise doing just fine.  Luna & Gracie kept me company in bed while I was resting; they're the best medicine a momma could have!

I owe a huge THANK YOU to Brian being with me at the hospital and to my mom and the McClanahan's for watching the girls for us.  It was scary enough to end up in the hospital unexpectedly; we feel so fortunate that Luna & Gracie were in such good hands while we were unable to be home.

Not liking Tummy Time

Luna explaining how it all works to Grace

Monday, May 9, 2011

Momma's Day

After a week of stomach flu in our house, we celebrated Mother's Day with a fantastic lunch at our house with both our moms.  Brian tried to get a photo of all the ladies but it was hard to get everyone to look their best at the same time. Pretty funny, actually....... 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Beginning of May.....

Time flies when you're having fun! Here are some pictures from the beginning of the month.  Enjoy!

Uncle Bob came over for dinner and a story

Relaxing with Gracie

Daddy and his girls

Oops!  Mommy forgot to put sunscreen on the girl

Cranky Gracie visits with Sarah & the rest of the Science Team

Mary Burgess stopped by for a visit

Gracie is becoming much more alert

Nice face Mom

Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks!

Cuddling with Uncle Bob

Luna and her books.  This girl LOVES to "read"!