Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week in Review

Luna had another busy week. We got out and about on several walks and had fun visiting friends and family. Here are some pictures from the week.

WWU baby

Luna visits Norah's house and loves it!
Liam & Norah entertaining Luna
Yum, burp cloth tastes good
Lunch with Great-Grandma Larson

Maya and Luna hanging out after another great walk
Luna is not a fan of the Bumbo
Sorry Luna, Mom has no fashion sense
Marcus checking out Luna
Luna checking out Marcus

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Urban Hike

Luna made it out for several walks this week, including a nice long "urban hike" with Susan and Maya. Although a water bottle and a few snacks (for the moms) would have been great, Maya and Luna had a great time getting some fresh air. It was our first try at forward facing in the stroller and I think she enjoyed the view. Actually she slept for most of the adventure, but forward facing still seemed like a success. Gus had a good time too!
The girls posing for a photo shoot The girl and her dog
All bundled up
Look Mom! Forward facing!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Playing Tourist

Brian and I decided to bundle Luna up and head to Seattle this weekend to have some big city time and visit some friends. We took the train (well, actually it was a bus on Saturday due to the flooding) to Seattle, stayed downtown at a hotel and played tourist: we took the South Lake Union Trolley to have lunch with Amy and Anita, had an amazing dinner with Uncle Pat and Aunt Emily at Tulio's (highly recommend it!), visited the Seattle Public Library, rode the monorail and went to the Lucy exhibit at the Pacific Science Center. Luna was AWESOME at travelling and we had many comments on how happy and "chill" she was with everything. Good to know...who knows what the next big trip might be.

Brian and Luna at the Seattle train station, getting ready to walk to our hotel Lynnelle taking a breather in the hotel room Luna testing out the bed
It met with approval - she power napped before lunch
The SLUT (South Lake Union Trolley)
Luna and Lynnelle on the trolley
Seattle Public Library (as seen from our hotel room)
So close to rolling over!
Luna and Brian getting ready to visit the library

Our hotel Brian and Luna on the monorail
The obligatory Space Needle shot
Lynnelle & Luna getting ready to go in and see Lucy!
Luna was very upset to find out she could not take any pictures of Lucy
The fam at the Pacific Science Center
(yes, that is a Deoxyribonucleic Acid molecule in the background... I'm a science dork)
The Needle at night
Getting ready to get on the train in Seattle
What a GREAT weekend!

Thanks to Amy and Anita for making the effort to meet us downtown for lunch, Emily and Pat for treating us to an amazing meal and a special thank you to Emily for helping to deal with the aftermath of the biggest blowout diaper Luna has had to date. I owe you BIG time.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy (belated) New Year's!

It has been awhile since we last made a post. The craziness of wrapping up the holiday season, getting Brian ready to head back to school, then having Brian home for two "flood days" didn't leave much time for putting pictures up online. We continue to be amazed at the daily changes in Luna. She is so close to rolling over, we swear it will happen any day now. Her laughter is so fun to listen to and her faces crack us up daily. She has finally begun to recognize Gus and he continues to be her favorite toy and activity (see our first video post below). Enjoy:)
Wardrobe malfunction
Like any NW baby, Luna loves her pet slug (thanks Uncle Bob!)
Starting to figure out the thumb Getting ready for a walk with daddy
A smile that melts your heart
You want me to go outside in THIS weather?
Thanks for the stylin' clothes Oma & Grandpa
Everything goes into the mouth now doll tastes good

Luna and Gus
Luna being entertained by Gus and Phoebe