Wednesday, November 30, 2011

More Gracie

Gracie is such a love.  She is quick to smile & laugh.  She loves to be held and to snuggle. Always observant, she watches Luna like a hawk and takes it all in.  No one can get Gracie to laugh quite like Luna, who is also the recipient of most of Gracie's smiles.  We are so lucky to have another amazing, sweet, incredible, adorable (yes, I am biased) and happy little girl.  Now, if she would only sleep through the night......

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Middle of the Night Paint Session

So, Luna hasn't been sleeping great these days.  For starters, she takes F-O-R-E-V-E-R to fall asleep (this girl can still be up reading books, playing, talking, singing well after 10:00 pm) then, lately, she has been waking up in the middle of the night and wanting to crawl into bed with us.  Needless to say, Brian & I have been exhausted (because if she isn't up, then Gracie is).  Last night took things to a whole new level, however. Luna fell asleep in the car on the way home so Brian put her straight to bed.  "Sweet!" we think.  No bed time battles!  Full nights sleep! Woo-hoo!  Not so fast.  Around 2:00 in the morning, Luna come bounding into the bedroom wanting to play.  The stellar parents we are say something like "Go back to bed" (remember we are sleep deprived these days), perhaps even "Go play in the back room by yourself".  Sometime in the 4:00 hour, Luna comes and crawls into bed.  I hear Brian say something like "Why is there green paint on your face" and then roll over.  I start to fall back asleep and then suddenly am wide awake.  Green paint?!  What?  I get out of bed to investigate.  I find green paint all over the bathroom where Luna tried to clean up.  It's all over her (along with some stickers).  I go to look in the back room where the paint is kept along with her other toys and.....nothing.  Seriously.  The girl somehow manages to get green paint all over her, but nothing on the wood armoire, carpet or other toys in the back room.  Amazing.  Watch below as I try to rouse Luna from her now deep sleep the next morning to find out what happened.

Note the hand print on the sink and the dirty towel in the sink