Monday, August 27, 2012

More Beluga Time

As our final summer hurrah we decided to head up North of the border to Uncle Brian & Uncle Raj's house.  We have been so excited to have them back on the West Coast and sneak up to visit as often as we can.  It's always fun to see them (and Ms. Roxy, of course) and gives us an opportunity to stop in at the Vancouver Aquarium and visit the belugas and other fun sea critters. 

Luna graced us with a pre-dinner dance on Friday evening

Hanging out with Uncle Raj on the futon

Snacks and a movie.  How spoiled am I?

Luna & Gracie posing with the penguin sign

Jelly Fish!

Checking out the huge sea star and other creatures in the West Coast exhibit


Luna could stand here all day.....

Practicing our Penguin looks

Luna got a special hand painted tatoo!

It's a penguin!

We saw the dophin show for the first time on this visit.  Wow!  We will definitly not miss this on any of our future trips!

Gracie goofing around with my sunglasses

A stop at one of the many Stanley Park playgrounds after our aquarium visit.  Gracie is a fan of the dirt for sure.

Hanging out with Uncle Raj!

So cute!

Luna met Sasquatch!

In line for the train

Luna couldn't wait to go!

Luna & Daddy

Listening to the story on the train


Bye bye!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Story Time

Gracie loves everything (almost) about her big sister.  So, when Luna sat down to read a story the other day, Gracie decided she was going to join her.  So, maybe she is still figuring out which way the book should go, but at least she is showing an interest in reading!  Luna is such an awesome big sis and started "reading" to Gracie and pointing out pictures in the book trying to get Gracie to say certain words.  So stinking cute!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 10-14

We're baaaaaack.

It has been really cool watching Hugo and Grace together. It's one of my favorite parts of these family gatherings in Leavenworth. Luna is still the "ring leader" but these two are coming into their own. 

Not to be totally outdone by her sister, Grace dons a bucket for an impromptu performance.

One of the things I don't love about the east side of the Cascades is the heat. It was high 90's most of the weekend. We moseyed on down to the river to cool off. We found a great spot where there were only a couple of other folks. There was a current for those of us interested in getting in that, but there were also plenty of spots totally absent of current, so the kids could frolic. We had a really good time and felt sufficiently cooler by the time we had to head back to the house.    

 I love this shot of Luna.


I'll have what she's having.

Mmm. No. None for me, thanks.

Wet Luna getting in on the action.

Back to the Icicle Gorge Trail with the whole fam this time. Can't believe how much it has changed in a month. Still spectacular though.

The rock in this part of the gorge is stunning.

"Dad, take a picture of me hugging this tree."

Thank goodness for Uncle Pat and Aunt Emily.

Hot, sweaty girl. She was a trooper.

"Can't go through it; can't go over it. Have to go under it."  

"Are we there yet?"

Thanks for the walking stick, Grandpa.

Over and out.

Always observing. That's my girl. "Dad, aren't these cool?"

Snack time!

Did I say out?

A man and his dog.

Cooling off with Aunty Em. 

Finally back in the car. She found this golf ball on the trail and it HAD to come home with her.  Put in her bed when we got home and she opens an eye to say "where is my golf ball?" Right here, sweetie. Right here.

Saying good-bye (thanks Oma and Grandpa for the date night) and she comes running after the car.

Full speed. Look at her go!

Thought we'd check out a Mariners' game with some friends. Never been out to the Pen but thought we'd give that a try, too. Wow. It was better than the game. The baseball game.

Believe in Yourself

"Alcohol Enforcement" - You better be drinking!

They mean business.

Black t-shirt guy was striking out all night. He was giving it a major league though.


Sorry we didn't take more shots. If you ever go to Safeco though, check it out.

Only in Seattle is there a 20 minute wait for coffee at 10:43 PM!