Sunday, June 10, 2012

More Fun in June and the AQUARIUM!

June always brings interesting weather. Walking Gus the other morning I turned a corner and saw these gorgeous rainbows. You can just barely make out the second, smaller one on the left. 

Grace has begun taking steps! You know she is good when she can walk AND tell the dog next door "No!" at the same time. 

We watched "The Incredibles" the other night. Luna really enjoyed it and has been acting incredible ever since. Today she asked me if we could make her an Incredibles mask. Luckily we had some black construction paper...

Now that Uncles Brian and Raj have moved back to the best coast AND have a place near the Aquarium, we are making frequent trips their way. Here are the girls relaxing on the futon. 

And giving some love on the futon, too! This didn't last long. So glad we got this shot.

Yes, Luna still brings Lovey (we have 8 of these things now because she can't be without it) just about everywhere. Lovey wanted to come along on our trek to see the belugas. There she is riding in Luna's shirt.

Grace is really checking things out now, too. She got a kick out of the fish. And of course, out of anything Luna did.

Check these guys out. A bunch of the fish in the front right of the tank were eyeing something in the upper left hand corner. After several minutes, we still couldn't figure it out.

Kiss daddy.

Kiss Luna, too!

So precious watching these two.

Getting in some practice.

Luna's totally favorite spot. The last time we were here she stood out in the rain for almost 30 minutes. Luckily today was warm and sunny.

I didn't know whether to be sad about this or to think it was kind of cool. There is a stuffed porpoise down here that really seems to attract the attention of this actual porpoise in the picture. It comes down regularly to check on or visit the stuffed animal regardless of which window it is in. Cool for the kids but I can't help but wonder if the porpoise is concerned.

Having a blast.

Someone is getting t-i-r-e-d.

On to the crafts station. Must. Stay. Awake.

Almost finished.

Moving quickly now to see the turtles and the sharks.

Absolute. Complete. Total. Breakdown. "I do NOT want to go home now! I will NOT go home!" Lovely.

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