Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Family Time

Luna fell asleep on the deck after getting home.  Gracie wanted to play and tried waking her up. 
Get up!

I knew you were awake!

Gracie wants to be like her big sis.  Luna shared her "dinner snack" with her little sis.

Luna helped Gracie drink out of a big girl cup

Gracie is walking all over now!

At the "Red Slide" park

Gracie is such a love.  Getting kisses from momma.

Sorry about the blurry picture, but this cracked me up.  Gracie LOVES going down the slides and often ends up coming out head first and laughing hysterically.

Evening June sky

Luna has been constantly moving the deck chairs around for us to ride on her train or bus (depends on the day).  Every time I try to move them back to their original places, I will come outside a little while later and she has them arranged back into this configuration.


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