Saturday, March 10, 2012

Finishing Out February

It's hard to believe February has come and gone. Time is such a blur. I'd heard time goes faster as you get older, but this is getting a little bit ridiculous. Here I sit in March; Luna is 3 1/2 and Grace is 11 months old. Wow. It's been a wonderful, wild ride.

Luna is an active, vocal toddler who still loves everything pink. Where did that come from? Like most kids her age, she LIVES for climbing, jumping, coloring, dancing, and playing. She also still loves her books. In fact, she is quite good with letter sounds and is beginning to spell and recognize short, common words. It is a fun game we play in the car or on the bike. "Daddy, what does 'light' start with?" And then we spell it. I am amazed at what she retains. We are beginning to see a little less of the "difficult" toddler side of her and more of her sweet and kind side. Thank goodness. :-) She has been a great helper in the kitchen, with the laundry, and with Grace, whom she absolutely adores. She sings to her and tries to make her laugh. She doesn't quite get that she shouldn't give Grace things; she thinks she's being helpful there, too. She also doesn't understand that Grace isn't quite ready for wrestling. She knows G isn't a doll, but sometimes I wonder if she still doesn't totally get that, unlike her dolls, Grace IS breakable. Oh well. This is the way it goes, right? With every difficult or challenging moment parenting, there are many, MANY more joyous ones. I am so incredibly lucky.

Little Gracie isn't so little any more. She is close to 25 pounds, and I can't remember how long she is, but let's just say she IS LONG. She is pulling herself up easily and does so regularly. She enjoys standing up and bouncing or dancing when there is music playing. She seems to have sounds for Gus: "Duh!" (as she looks in his direction or reaches for him),  Luna: "Noo-na" or "Na-na," and she says "mama," "dada," and most recently "no!" very clearly. She also waves hello and good-bye; it's a beautiful, princess-like wave. Usually, she is pretty shy, but in the grocery store this week, she was smiling and waving at just about everyone. It was very funny.  Children can bring such joy to people. I guess they also annoy the heck out of some, too, don't they. Such a shame. We'll just focus on the ones who love them, then. Grace blows a good kiss, too. I'll try get video soon.

Speaking of videos, I'm sorry about the ones on the blog recently. I'm not sure why they aren't working, but we  are trying to figure it out. Technology is great WHEN it works.

Hope you're all well.

Both girls have been sick for what seems like months, but Grace has the worst of it. She was particularly awful this day. So what does daddy do? Of course, take pictures!

As I mentioned above, Luna has been a big help lately. We had a great time making pizza together. 

She was having more fun squishing the dough. This was hers. Let's just say it was a little "lumpy." 

This is more like it. 



On another night, Luna grabbed the camera.

There is absolutely nothing so fun as listening to the two of them laugh and squeal together.

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