Tuesday, February 28, 2012

It's Already February!

Here are our pictures from February...

Grace LOVES watching her big sister.

She also wants to play with her and get into her things.

We're excited to be getting into the garden. On this day, we were busy digging for worms.

Of course, she has to have her pink tools.

Gus wonders what we're up to and if we'll drop anything he might be able to eat. He has become SUCH a scavenger. 

"Beeeeeans" (instead of cheese)! 

Gracie watches from inside wishing she could be out here, too. Not on this day, sweetie.

Look! Our shovels are twins!

We're also enjoying all the birdies. There are 12 or 14 on the suet feeder! They are tiny!

Luna likes taking pictures if we make a silly face.

Baby doll and Baby Beluga.

The little cutie, herself. 

Notice how she plays with her heel as well. This girl has talent.

Yay! A walk and bide ride AND kite flying at Zuanich Park!


Finally...a good chance to fly the kite we bought at the kite festival.

She makes friends everywhere.

Show me your muscles.

Oh yum. "Floes" from Trader Joe's! 

Up early on Saturday morning. It's a good thing she's cute. :-) 

Luna takes good pictures! She even made me look half decent. 

Be prepared to witness awesomeness...

Here is the speed of Luna from a different angle:

And finally, we try to keep up with her so you can experience the swiftness firsthand:


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