Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Some Thoughts...

So it's been a very long time since we last posted anything. I'm home sick today, nothing major, so I thought I'd sit down and share some things I have been thinking a lot about lately.We love the idea of the Blog, but it's so difficult keeping up with it. Once the school year begins, it's tough doing anything outside of the normal routine each day.

It seems like we're just keeping our heads above water all the time. Other teacher friends, do you feel that way, too, or is there something we're not doing right? Or is this just part of parenting? Am I in denial thinking that I will have some semblance of my old life, or does everything really change once kids arrive? Yes, I am still wondering this 3 years after having our first child. Some of you really seem to have it all together which makes me think I have got something wrong. I keep thinking there is a way I can get control of my life; instead (between September and June) I feel like I am just along for the ride. I'm not trying to complain, just thinking out loud. This is most certainly the life I chose for myself, and I am very happy. But it would be great to feel more in control. :-) If there is anyone wanting to weigh on this, your thoughts would most definitely be welcomed.

So all this said, it's been a wonderful few months. We feel incredibly fortunate to have the summer to spend together. Parenting is the most joyous and at the same time most frustrating experience I have ever had. I was standing outside the girls' room last night just watching them sleep, amazed at how wonderful they are, amazed that I am 40, married to the love of my life, and that I am a daddy. They are so precious; all 3 of my girls.

Luna continues to amaze us with how verbal she is and with her ability to do things that seem beyond a 3 year old. She loves to sing, dance (usually naked), tell stories, and talk, talk, talk. She still spends an enormous amount of time with books which is really exciting. If she is having trouble falling asleep, we'll find her in bed reading, making up stories to the pictures. We find her in the morning snoozing away with a pile of books in her bed. It's pretty cool. She ABSOLUTELY loves being a big sister. Her favorite thing to do is to make Grace smile or laugh. Oh my. And when the two of them get going, it is hilarious (another of Luna's favorite words these days).

Grace is growing so fast. I guess Luna did, too, but that seems very long ago now. Football hold is my favorite and Grace has almost outgrown it. My babies are growing up. Grace is reaching for things all the time. This is both fun and unnerving because you have to watch her constantly. No more drinking coffee and holding Grace at the same time. Rolling around on the floor is also very popular with Grace. We're going to have to find room for the Pack n Play somewhere in the house, so we can set her down without worrying what she will get in to. Talking seems like it might not be too far off. She has begun repeating "bah bah bah." And like her sister, she has the greatest belly laughs. After a very rough start, probably due to colic, Grace has become much more content. She is so observant and smiley. She still isn't sleeping through the night, but she does thankfully sleep in good chunks. Two little toophies have grown in on the bottom of her mouth. The rice cereal has made its first appearance but more of it found its way to her body than it did down her throat.

Hope you have enjoyed the little update. I/we will try to get some slide shows made of our adventures from this summer and fall.

Best wishes,

1 comment:

Deborah Saunders said...

I hate to tell you this but there is no such thing as having control. Only the illusion. Hang in there! Just being in on the ride is where life is. You have a beautiful family. You have a heavy load but you're doing great. Everyone feels like you do at some point. You're right on track. Its just that with TWO small children you are never ahead of the game. Just enjoy! (easier said than done I know and I only had one)