Monday, October 17, 2011

A little of this, a little of that.....

We haven't been super great lately at keeping up on the blog (sorry Gracie).  Here a few photos that didn't quite warrant their own post, but I wanted to share anyway.  

Gracie entertaining herself at the table.  We try to have her sitting with us at meal time, but she isn't eating her own food yet.

Luna smiling big for the camera

Yum, red block good

Look at what I can do!

Hanging out with Daddy is so much fun!

La Luna from our back deck

So happy to go to school

When Luna eats "noodles and sauce" we prefer her eating outside and naked.  Much easier to clean that way.

Both girls asleep in Mom & Dad's bed.  Sleep is so precious these days we're slacking on some of our rules.

Gracie laughs at everything Luna does.

Cupie Doll?

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