Getting ready to go for a walk with Oma and Grandpa and mommy. Okay, I know this is cruel, but the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture was one of those "e-collar" things a dog has to wear after surgery. I was trying to find a link for an e-collar and I came across fashion e-collars. I thought I spoiled my dog. Not even close to this.
Rise and shine! We have started getting lots of smiles this week. I could feel my heart melting away...
We have been having some incredibly beautiful fall weather. No wonder it's our favorite time of year: cold, crisp days full of sunshine, spectacular colors, soft breezes, and the sound of rustling leaves. We decided to take a trip up to Semiahmoo for some good food and quality time outside.
Here is the little one all bundled up and ready to go. Thanks to Erin and Drew for the cap from Peru.
It was a perfect day.

Gus came, too. He would do this all day if we would let him. Good thing there were plenty of rocks to throw.
That's our pretty boy.
Oh ya, you're probably here to see pictures of the baby. Here are her cute wittle footsies.
Family photo!! I think this might be our first family self-portrait.

My girls.
Okay...so it started as the perfect day, and then on the way back to the car we came across AT LEAST 8 pink cars. And countless of these truly inspiring stickers.

I feel so lucky that our sweet, little Luna has something to aspire to.(these licence plates say MKPride and MKPerk)
Oh, so pretty in pink...
That's right. You go girls. You go and put some make-up on. Please.

And another...and another.
And then this...the end to a perfect day. This reminded me of my first trip to the northwest. It was 1981, and I was 10. I came up with a friend from little league and his family. We visited Brownsville and St. Helens, OR. I saw Mt. St. Helens still spewing ash and collected ash from the street. On the drive home, I looked out and saw Mt. Hood in a situation similar to this. I was convinced the mountain was floating on the clouds. I knew from that day I'd make it back up here. I'm so glad this is home. It just doesn't get any better.
1 comment:
Great stuff. Thanks for sharing your perfect day. I can't wait to see all of you again in a week.
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