Saturday, March 31, 2012

Closing Out March

It's been another busy month. We're looking forward to Spring Break and hopefully catching up on some much needed sleep.

Luna has become a little less patient with Grace now that she is more mobile and getting into Luna's things and her space, but she still loves (usually) being helpful and still wants to give Gracie lots of love. 

Okay, maybe no smile this time. 

Poor, neglected Gus. He wanted his picture taken, too.

Luna was up early this morning and wanted to BOO-GIE!

Not a bad way to end a month. :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

More March Madness

March continues. Grace is on the move! She does NOT like to sit still or be held any more. Girl wants to be ON THE MOVE. Yay for us! She crawls really quickly and walks if she is holding our hands. I swear she is going to start walking on her own any day now.

Another trip to the park!

The many faces of Luna. Sisterfriend has some attitude!

Don't let the smile fool you. We still love the girl, though! :)

Spring has arrived as have the cherry and apple blossoms. Beautiful.

She had a great time on the slide.

She had to climb, too, so she could be near big sister.


No one is playing with me.

A new friend arrives.

Ooh la la!

Haggen has a new Monopoly game with this display. Luna says, "Daddy we have to get a picture with that guy!" Here is her shot of me. 

Bath time!

And a gorgeous sunset.

Some friends knew we have been having a rough time with sleep and so they bought us this wonderful book. It's challenging reading it to Luna while omitting or changing certain words. 

Ahhh. Baby asleep on the chest. I so love this.

Spring is here and treated us to a really great weekend. It's been cold and wet and blah, so we were ecstatic at the opportunity to get outside and bask in the sunshine. Larrabee here we come! 

A break for pictures.

Oh ya, here we are. I hope the water is out enough for us to check out the tide pools.

Chuckanut Sandstone

Let the exploring begin!

Seastar! Seastar!

It's stuck!

My lovely girls.

A crab!

Can I touch these, too?

more posing

Luna's danger face

Flowering currant - mine is finally in bloom this year!
Another playground! 

Sunday morning awake early as usual. Look how big. Can you believe it?