The last leg of our airplane journey.
Note to self: pay extra $$ for the kid to have their own seat.
Grandma Teri & Luna heading towards our gate at the airport
Luna's idea of playing blocks: You build something and she destroys it
She loved playing with this set of blocks at Grandpa Pahl's
Waiting for the monorail in Jacksonville
Water taxi
Re-hydrating on the water taxi
The fam at Jacksonville landing
Luna & me
Brian & Luna on the monorail platform
Sunset in Orange Park on one of our evening walks
Grandma Teri & Grandpa Pahl in the Atlantic at Jax Beach
The fam on the pier at Jax beach
Luna loves seeing herself and found out quickly that she could see herself in Grandma Teri's car.
Brian & Sarah
Kissing Auntie Sarah good-bye
Grandpa Pahl, Auntie Sarah, Daddy & Luna
The whole gang: Grandma Teri, Grandpa Pahl, Auntie Sarah, Momma, Luna & Daddy

Luna loved playing with Auntie Sarah's float tube from when she was a girl
Check out the 'gator in front of the restaurant sign (don't worry it was not living)
Check out all the stuffed birds behind Luna at lunch
Grandma Teri & Luna heading towards our gate at the airport
She loved playing with this set of blocks at Grandpa Pahl's

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