Then it was out to the living room to play with Gus or "Dis" as I think I hear her saying. She loves him to death and squeals with delight when she hears him or sees him coming. He seems to like her, too, and even tolerates her pulling handfuls of fur out of him.

Later that day, Marcus called. "Hey baby, what's shakin'? You want to come over to my crib?"

He was anxiously anticipating her arrival.

So she stripped down and we all headed upstairs to the play room.

We can always take a break for Dr. Seuss.

Then it was time to put on jammies and read one last bedtime story.

Luna met a new friend, Cole, this week, too! They posed for pictures.

For about a minute. Then it was time to party!

So much partying makes Luna tired. Mommy and Daddy get tired, too, but how on earth is this comfortable? It is a common sleeping position these days.

August 11-13: Yet ANOTHER road trip. This time to Spokane or Spokangeles or Spocompton or Spoklahoma or Spokanistan as all the different t-shirts said. Priceline ROCKS. We stayed at the Doubletree downtown on the river.

Walks are our favorite. We have become quite attached to our new back pack. Daddy and Luna got all ready and went for a walk by the river and around downtown. I put on my cool cosmonaut hat for the occasion. Then we headed out. It was a great day.

1 comment:
I love the photo in the crib with her bum in the air. So cute.
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