Thursday, July 30, 2009

Luna's New Trick

Luna has been impressing us with all her new skills as of late. Her most recent skill, however, may prove to be problematic.

It has been HOT here this week (we may not have broke 100F, but it was sure dang close). So HOT in fact, that we have been breaking our own rule and putting Luna down for naps in only her diaper (it's only a rule because onesies do a great job of capturing anything of substance that may have escaped from the diaper; better to be on clothes than all over the crib, if you know what I mean). Anyway, I walked in this afternoon to find this wild child....

..completely buck naked, diaper thrown to the floor. Apparently the girl has figured out Velcro closures on her cloth diapers are a cinch to remove. Obviously, Luna was very proud of herself.

1 comment:

Drew and Erin said...

Hi gang.

I finally got a chance to read through your whole road trip- what a fantastic time you all had! I am so happy that we made it into one of your stopovers- we LOVE you all and it was a blast to spend time with Luna. Oh, Little Luna- what a lovely, wonderful, adorable gal. Miss you!
