We normally visit Whistler the first weekend in November with a fantastic group of friends, but the group is meeting in a different place this year. So we decided to head up on a gorgeous weekend in late September.
Here we are arriving at a ridiculous hour. She slept most of the way up, but once she was awake, she DID NOT want to go to sleep. She LOVES riding on mommy's back.

Here is our future Olympian.

She is loving this new walking thing.

Except when she can't catch up to her friends. The kids were so cute, they kept slowing down trying to help her keep pace with them.

Happy Shiny People.

Okay, this is the bottom of Whistler Mountain. People RIDE BIKES down the mountain in summer. Holy crap.

Should I or shouldn't I?

Daddy had never been on a gondola or chair lift before. I was more than a little excited. There is Whistler Village in the distance.

That's where the Bobsled events will take place.

Here we are at the top. Yes, those are guys on mountain bikes. Every few minutes in the village, we'd come across someone with an arm in a sling or a leg in a cast. You'd think that would be a bit of a deterrent. Nope. Bikers were everywhere.

It was such a beautiful day. We walked around some of the trails at the top.

The obligatory self portrait.

My beautiful girls.

Kisses from Luna. Just about the best thing ever. We're working on the open mouth thing though.

Yep. Peak 2 Peak. It was AWESOME, baby!

Adorable. We know.

One last story before bed. Back home tomorrow.